Paulina Czarnynoga Legal assistant

In the field of her interests, she focuses on civil law, criminal law, and labor law, as well as negotiations and their techniques as a way to reach agreements.

She provides technical and substantive support to lawyers of the Law Office in matters related to corporate disputes and civil proceedings.

She gained previous professional experience in administrative work as part of the Akademia Liderów Sprawiedliwości program, which required a high level of responsibility for assigned tasks, good work organization, meticulousness, and a creative approach to problem-solving.

In her previous position, she had the opportunity to organize Nationwide series of meetings  for law students and graduates, during which selected issues from areas such as commercial law, labor law, and broadly understood criminal law were analyzed.

She is a fifth-year law student at Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw. She is the Vice President of the Constitutional Law Club at UKSW and a member of the Criminal Law Scientific Club at UKSW. She organizes and participates in numerous popular science events both at the university and beyond.

She is fluent in English and is also learning French.

Cases +-

Organization and co-organization of popular scientific events in the field of labor law, commercial law, criminal law and constitutional law.

Presentation of numerous papers at national scientific conferences in the field of constitutional law and history.
