More about the practice

We provide comprehensive legal services to entrepreneurs at every stage of their development. We advise on the establishment of commercial companies, their transformation, merger (restructuring), as well as winding-up. We provide legal services to the corporate bodies of commercial companies (including public companies) by presiding over their meetings and preparing minutes and resolutions. We create shareholders’ agreements, intercompany cooperation agreements, holding group agreements (capital group codes) and resolutions regarding the participation in a group of companies. The experience gained in the course of prior disputes allows us to provide corporate advice in a way that gives a sense of legal security to our Clients.

Scope of our services

Advising on choosing the right legal form of doing business, including tax aspects

Advising on the incorporation and registration of commercial companies, including the drafting of articles of association and other corporate documents

Providing legal services to corporate bodies of commercial companies, including preparing and presiding over meetings of the corporate bodies, drafting resolutions and by-laws

Advising on the manner of remuneration of members of corporate bodies and managers of companies, including tax aspects, and drafting agreements with members of corporate bodies

Advising on the processes of the merger, division, transformation and winding up of commercial companies

Advising on the issuance of corporate bonds and convertible loans

Advising on the formation of capital group structures, including reorganization

Advising on the development and implementation of incentive programs for employees, associates and managers in capital companies (ESOP)

Drafting legal advice, memoranda and legal opinions on corporate law and trainings for members of corporate bodies and managers

Conducting due diligence

Developing exit strategies for commercial companies and investments

Representing commercial companies before registration courts, public administration bodies, courts and registries

Selected completed projects

Our Clients include

Commercial companies (partnerships and capital companies), including public companies

Members of management and supervisory boards

Majority and minority shareholders

Groups of companies (including holding companies and subsidiaries)

Management board office managers

Individual and institutional investors

Angel investors
